August 28, 2023

How Insider Threat affect a Business’s Cybersecurity

How Insider Threat affect a Business’s Cybersecurity

In this week’s news, Tesla announced that insider wrongdoing was to blame for a data breach affecting more than 75,000 company employees. Tesla, the electric car maker owned by Elon Musk, said in a data breach notice filed with Maine’s attorney general that an investigation had found that two former employees leaked more than 75,000 individuals’ personal information to a foreign media outlet.

“The investigation revealed that two former Tesla employees misappropriated the information in violation of Tesla’s IT security and data protection policies and shared it with the media outlet,” Steven Elentukh, Tesla’s data privacy officer, wrote in the notice.

What is an Insider Threat?

This recent cyberattack is the perfect example of an insider threat. So, let’s look more deeply at how E- Panzer can help you mitigate the risk.

Insider threats in cybersecurity refer to the risks posed to an organization’s data, systems, networks, or sensitive information by individuals who have authorized access to these resources. These individuals could be employees, contractors, business partners, or any other trusted entity with legitimate access to the organization’s digital assets. Insider threats can be intentional or unintentional and can result in significant harm to an organization’s security, reputation, and operations.

There are generally two main categories of insider threats:

  • Malicious Insider Threats: These occur when individuals with authorized access deliberately and intentionally misuse their privileges to cause harm to the organization. This can include stealing sensitive data, leaking confidential information, launching cyberattacks, sabotaging systems, or engaging in any action that compromises the organization’s security.
  • Unintentional Insider Threats: These involve individuals who, without malicious intent, inadvertently contribute to security breaches or data leaks. This could happen due to negligence, lack of awareness, mistakes, or failure to follow security best practices. Examples include accidentally sharing sensitive information, falling for phishing attacks, or improperly configuring systems.

Insider threats are particularly challenging to detect and prevent because insiders often have legitimate access to the organization’s resources, making their activities less suspicious compared to external threats. They might also have a better understanding of the organization’s systems and security measures, which can aid them in avoiding detection.

At E- Panzer we are adept at mitigating insider threats. Here are some of our approaches-

  • Access Control: Implement strong access controls and permissions, ensuring that employees have access only to the information and systems necessary for their roles.
  • User Monitoring: Regularly monitor user activities to identify any unusual or suspicious behavior that might indicate an insider threat.
  • Security Awareness Training: Educate employees about cybersecurity best practices, the risks of insider threats, and how to recognize and report suspicious activities.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Use DLP solutions to monitor and control the movement of sensitive data within and outside the organization.
  • Behavioral Analytics: Employ behavioral analytics tools to identify patterns of behavior that might indicate an insider threat, such as sudden increases in data access or unusual login times.
  • Whistleblower Programs: Establish channels for employees to report concerns about insider threats anonymously and without fear of retaliation.
  • Segmentation: Segment the network to limit the lateral movement of attackers within the organization’s systems.
  • Incident Response Plan: Develop a robust incident response plan that includes procedures for handling insider threats, which can help minimize damage and facilitate recovery.
  • Disabling Ex- Employee Access:  When an ex-employee leaves the organization be certain to change all passwords the employee may have been privy to. Implement regular PW change.

At E-Panzer we are clear- businesses of all sizes must address both technical and human factors, when fighting cyber criminals. The aim of this article is to highlight the current threats that organizations are facing and why it is so important to institute a robust strategy against insider threats. E-Panzer’s expert team is here to help! Contact us now!

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