December 4, 2023

Using cyber insurance as a tool

Using cyber insurance as a tool

Why having Cyber Security Insurance is not a convenience, it is a necessity

Cybersecurity Insurance from E-Panzer will mitigate losses from an assortment of cyber incidents, from data breaches to business interruption and network damage. Our robust insurance coverage reduces the number of successful cyber-attacks by tailoring preventative measures to the level of coverage you need. At E-Panzer, our coverage is customized and cost-effective, with premiums based on your level of self-protection.

Cyber Insurance is important to your business’s bottom line.

As of 2023, the average cost of a data breach in the United States amounted to 9.48 million U.S. dollars, up from 9.44 million U.S. dollars in the previous year. The global average cost per data breach was 4.45 million U.S. dollars in 2023.

Most companies can not afford those types of losses.  With Cyber Insurance from E-Panzer, organizations will be able to manage and mitigate the financial risks associated with cyber threats and incidents. It is also multidimensional.  It can protect businesses from losses related to cyberattacks, data breaches, as well as other types of cyber risks. Here are several ways in which organizations can use cyber insurance as a tool:

  • Financial Protection:
    • Risk Transfer: Cyber insurance helps transfer the financial risk of a cyber incident to the insurance provider. In the event of a data breach or cyberattack, an E-Panzer insurance policy can cover costs such as legal fees, notification expenses, and financial losses.
  • Incident Response and Recovery:
    • Support for Incident Response: Cyber insurance policies often include coverage for incident response services. At E-Panzer this can include forensic investigations, public relations support, and other services to help organizations respond effectively to a cyber incident.
  • Business Continuity:
    • Loss of Income Coverage: Our cyber insurance policies provide coverage for loss of income resulting from a cyber incident. This will help businesses recover lost revenue during the downtime caused by an attack.
  • Risk Management:
    • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: We also offer risk assessment services to help organizations identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach can contribute to reducing the overall risk of a cyber incident.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
    • Legal Support: Our cyber insurance can provide coverage for legal expenses incurred as a result of a cyber incident. This is particularly important as organizations may face legal challenges and regulatory fines following a data breach.
  • Third-Party Liability:
    • Protection Against Lawsuits: Our cyber insurance often includes coverage for third-party liability. If a cyber incident results in harm to customers, partners, or other third parties, the insurance can cover the costs associated with lawsuits and settlements.
  • Reputation Management:
    • Public Relations Support: The aftermath of a cyber incident can have a significant impact on an organization’s reputation. Cyber insurance can cover public relations expenses to help manage and repair the company’s image.
  • Vendor and Supply Chain Risks:
    • Coverage for Supply Chain Disruptions: As businesses are interconnected, our cyber insurance can provide coverage for disruptions in the supply chain caused by a cyber incident affecting a vendor or partner.
  • Education and Training:
    • Risk Education Programs: Some of our cyber insurance policies include educational resources and training programs to help organizations improve their cybersecurity posture and reduce the likelihood of future incidents.

E-Panzer’s Cyber Insurance will help you mitigate the financial risks of a cyber attack.

No matter what industry you are in or the size of your organization, protecting your IT infrastructure is critically important. Our cyber insurance can help you do that. We offer a myriad of policies.  

Plus, don’t forget, cyber insurance should be seen as part of a broader cybersecurity strategy, complementing other preventive measures and risk management practices. Regularly updating and testing incident response plans is crucial to ensuring an effective response in the event of a cyber incident.

At E-Panzer we have one mission- to provide comprehensive and proactive cyber security tailor made for each business and organization.

E-Panzer is dedicated to protecting our clients against cyber criminals in every shape and form. We want our clients to focus on their core business activities while having confidence that their digital assets are well-protected from cyber threats. Contact E-Panzer now to learn more about our Cybersecurity Insurance services.

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